Friday, February 22, 2008

Posting 3

Facts about amazing animals
Animal 1:
Sharks have receptors that is used to locate its prey. Some shark species are able to sense light directly through their skull by their pineal body. A type of shark has an eye that is about 5 cm in diameters.
Animal 2:
Snakes' tongues has no taste buds at all. Instead of using the tongue to taste, they are used to bring smell and taste right into the mouth of the snake. Snakes does not have external ears and because of that, they are unable to hear the music of the snake charmers. Lots of people thinks that snakes responds to the music played by the snake charmers, but actually they only responds to the movement of the flute and the snake charmers themselves. Snakes have clear, scale-like membrane covering the eye since they do not have movable eyelids.
Animal 3:
Penguins are very cute animals with black and white fur. In order to have clear vision underwater, they have a flat cornea. Penguins are able to see into the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Animal 4:
Mosquitoes are pesky little insects which flies here and there, sucking our blood which leaves us big, swollen and itchy lumps. They are usually attracted to human body odour , carbon dioxide, body heat and body humidity.So, let's keep ourselves clean to keep these blood-sucking and irritating insects away.
Animal 5:
Platypus are one of the only two mammals which reproduce by laying eggs. They have electric sensors in its bill that amazingly is able to detect 0.05 micro volts. Its touch and temperature detection are used by the remaining receptors in its bill. The cochlea of the inner ear is coiled only a quarter of a turn. Man's cochlea is coiled about 2.7 times, however astonishingly, platypus' cochlea are only coiled a quarter of a turn.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Posting 2

Hi, here is an autobiography of myself. I was born on 20 December 1996 at Thomson Medical Hospital. Co-incidentally, I share the same birthday as my mother, so that is why I could remember my mother's birthday easily. When I was 11 months, I started learning to walk and before one, I could walk by myself ! I started calling "Papa" first as it was easier. I could remember all the alphabets when I was two. In 1998, we went on a cruise but I did not remember much about that as I was young then. At about 3 years old, I could make a simple sentence. In November 1999, my family went to Perth for holidays. I was elated as it was the first tme I went on air and I had a memorable trip there. Since then my family has brought me to Melbourne, China, Genting Highlands, Gold Coast, Hong Kong and Korea. The year 2000 began my education journey where I attended the nursery. I made lots of friends there. After two years in PAP kindergarden, I finally graduated and later studied at Henry Park Primary School. I was a bit nervous on the first of school as I thought I would be very lonely as I knew no one. Luckily, some of my friends from kindergarden came to the same class as me. That was where I met my best friend, Brendon Koh. I also made other new friends. Times passes very fast and I have gone through P1, P2, P3 and P4 smoothly and my results were up to expectation. However in P5, sadly my results dropped drastically and my parents were not very happy. Therefore, in this year 2008, I have decided to work even harder and be more focused as I will be taking my PSLE soon. I hope to obtain good results so that I could go to the secondary school I desire.